South > North: 8 Day Kokoda Trek

South > North: 8 Day Kokoda Trek
About the product
After a pre trek gathering and our first night’s accommodation in Port Moresby, we commence our journey travelling via road, in the Getaway Trekking (GT) Private Motor Vehicle (PMV), bound for Owers’ Corner; the point where the Kokoda Track commences. En route we visit the humbling Bomana War Cemetery, where we will pause to remember all those who paid the ultimate sacrifice as part of the 1942 Kokoda Campaign.

Our trek across the Owen Stanley Range, from south to north, commences with a steep descent down to the Goldie River, which we wade across with the help of our loyal Carriers. Over the next 8 days we will trek through and explore several historical sites including Imita Ridge; site of Australia’s last stand, Ioribaiwa Ridge; the furthest point reached by the Japanese, Brigade Hill; site of one of the most horrific battles our soldiers fought during their withdrawal, Eora Creek Village; the site where 99 Australian soldiers were killed during fierce gun battles and Isurava Battlefield; where Private Bruce Kingsbury was killed during battle and ultimately awarded (posthumously) the Victoria Cross.

As a group, we will hold a small memorial service at Brigade Hill and a much larger service at the Isurava Battlefield Memorial to reflect upon the gallantry, courage and sacrifice made by all Australian soldiers. During the service at Isurava you will be invited to participate, perhaps with a reading or poem (should you wish to do so), the Last Post will be played and National Anthems sung.

We will spend our final night on the Kokoda Track at Kokoda Village before catching a PMV to Popondetta and boarding a commercial flight back to Port Moresby the following morning. Upon our arrival back in Port Moresby we will transfer back to our hotel for a hot shower and our final dinner as a group. This evening is a wonderful opportunity to reflect upon, what for many, will have been the experience of a lifetime.
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